Have a dream, but can't figure out how to fund it? In Self-Funded to Sustainable, Educational Consultant Regina Coley gives you practical advice and lessons that come from her experiences as an entrepreneur who has bootstrapped and self-funded her own projects (both for-profit and nonprofit) as well as worked with others. She takes the mystery out of funding by using 20 strategies to find funding for whatever you are working on. These strategies have been used successfully by innovators in various fields: education entrepreneurs, social entrepreneurs, and nonprofits.
Regina will take you through a step-by-step process of 20 proven strategies to help you successfully apply for and receive funding. This book focuses on what worked in the past, identifying elements that have helped other projects secure funding for their ideas. And instead of overwhelming you with volumes of theory, she shows you how it's done - describing in detail each strategy, including sample grant applications that have been successful in winning money from foundations. This approach will help get your own project funded faster!